Civil War movie is it a scary conceivable future or just a good movie..

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Civil War (USA) War drama movie 2024

Thanks A24 for the trailer

Civil War is a gripping and thought-provoking film that takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride of emotions and moral dilemmas. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Alan Garland, the film delves deep into the complexities of war and the effects it has on individuals, families and society as a whole.

The film takes place in the United States, which is torn apart by civil war and political unrest. The story follows a group of photographers and reporters who are trying to get an interview with the president of USA. During their journey from New York to Washington DC, we get to follow their inner journey and their relationships with each other, all while the United States is falling apart before their eyes. But we as viewers are just thrown into the middle of the conflict without knowing who is right or wrong. Because that’s how it is in the real world, there’s not just black or white.

One of the standouts of Civil War is the cast, led by the talented Kirstin Dunst (Lee Smith), Wagner Moura (Joel), Stephen McKinley (Sammy) and Cailee Spaeny (Jessie). Their performances are raw and honest, bringing a depth and authenticity to their characters that is truly captivating. The chemistry between the actors is palpable, drawing viewers into their world and making them invested in their journeys.

The cinematography in Civil War is stunning, with breathtaking images of the war-torn landscape and intense battle sequences that are both thrilling and harrowing. The use of light and shadow is particularly effective in conveying the mood and tone of the film, creating a sense of unease and tension that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. At the same time as the scenes between the war scenes are so intense that we are forced to face ourselves.

The script is intelligent and thought provoking, exploring complex themes of morality, power and humanity amidst chaos and destruction. The dialogue is sharp and forceful, delivering powerful messages that resonate long after the credits roll.

But what really sets Civil War apart is its ability to highlight the human cost of war. The film does not glamorize or romanticize violence, but instead shows the devastating impact it has on individuals and societies. It forces viewers to confront the harsh realities of war and the toll it takes on the human soul.
And not really knowing who is doing right and who is doing wrong, not knowing if you know the truth or are being led behind the scenes. That even we as bystanders must understand that in a war-torn country or place it is not only those who are in the conflict who are to blame, but we all over the world are contributors to this with arms sales and to support or help power various dictatorships

In conclusion, Civil War is a piece of cinema that is equal parts heartbreaking, thrilling and thought provoking. It is a film that challenges viewers to think, feel and empathize with the characters as they navigate the moral complexities of war and its aftermath. With its stellar cast, stunning visuals, and powerful message, Civil War is a must-see for anyone who appreciates quality filmmaking and storytelling.

Story 9/10 A story that takes place in the United States but could be anywhere in the world with all the “Powers” behind the Power
Loction 8/10 War zone
Script 8/10 Perfect for this movie
Cast 8/10 Kirstin Dunst
Director 8/10 Alan Garland
Coolness 8/10 It will touch you

In total 8.1/10

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