
Welcome to Valentin is Watching, your premier destination for insightful reviews and captivating analysis of the latest movies and TV series. Led by the discerning eye of Valentin, my blog offers a unique perspective on the cinematic landscape, where each piece is meticulously crafted to provide both entertainment and enlightenment. Whether you’re seeking recommendations for your next binge-watch or craving in-depth critiques of the hottest releases, Valentin is Watching has you covered. Old movie or new movie and TV-series from today or with some year under its belt here is the place to be. Join us as we delve into the world of film and television, where every frame is scrutinized, every performance evaluated, and every story dissected with precision and passion.

Great movies and TV-series you must see before you kick the bucket…

No just to have a great movie & TV night and enjoy the wonderful world of Lights, Camera and Action.

Into the mystic of fiction

Here I will grade and recommend movies and TV-series for you so you can just relax and enoy the ride in Comedy, Drama, Romance and Action.

I will rate on a scale of 1 to 10 in six categories. 10 of course is worldclass / top of the line. And 1, well I think you get it.

This are the six categories.
Story ( What I think of the overall storyline. )
Location ( Grade the scenery and location. )
Script ( Just how the dialog is. )
Cast ( How the characters and cast come across the screen. )
Director ( How the movie or TV-series moves along the story. )
Coolness ( The overall feeling of the whole production of cast, director, loction if it all sticks togehter. )

Shhh It´s starting…

Show your true colors…

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